Microsoft & Apadmi

About the partnership

After years of using their services, Apadmi became a Gold Partner of Microsoft in March 2021. This gives us access to their interconnected global network and the experience within it along with all of their most powerful tools. To achieve the status, Apadmi had to fulfil certain training and requirements. We're proud to have reached the top tier of their network and of the products we've worked with Microsoft to build, such as the app we built for the NHS Blood and Transplant unit, currently being used in over 260 hospitals across the UK.


Benefits from the partnership

In addition to their network and Microsoft's Gold tier products, other benefits include:

  • More opportunities for business through Microsoft.

  • Gain priority customer support

  • Access new and exclusive training programmes in the newest innovations.

  • Develop stronger connections with other members within the partnership network.

  • We’ve also relied on Microsoft’s incredible support to develop Azure-based solutions confidently.

Microsoft-logo-partner page

What we’ve created together

Microsoft has stood side by side with Apadmi to create some amazing products, such as the NHS Blood and Transplant app and the Co-op Membership app. Read more about the work here.

Apadmi team working together

We can work together

As your digital partner we can connect you to a range of technical providers who work with us to build next level products and systems. Contact us today and we can help you to establish your needs.

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