Set for success: The problem-solving power of technology

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Thursday 24th November 2022

Understanding how to make the most of the problem-solving power of technology is not straightforward.

We’re on a mission to get to the heart of where to focus, what the benefits are and how to avoid common pitfalls, such as:

  • Not knowing where to invest to get the maximum results

  • Jumping into projects without demonstrating a clear ROI

  • Relying on technology to address symptoms rather than root problems

  • Not having a clear direction, structure and scope for the project

  • Building products in a silo and not integrating with your wider tech stack

With a panel of experts from the public sector, brands, retailers and innovators, join us on Thursday 24th November to discuss how mobile, web and platform technology is influencing investment and growth.

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Introducing your host

Alok Jha

Alok is science and technology correspondent at The Economist and author of The Water Book. Previously he was a Wellcome Trust fellow and has also worked at ITV News, the Guardian and the BBC. Alok will be leading the discussion with a panel of industry experts on the problem-solving power of great digital products in business.

“The power of technology is being felt by all businesses and I’m excited about exploring what that means for a variety of brands and organisations at this event.” - Alok Jha

Alok Jha Headshot

Meet the panel

Amanda Glover | Headshot

Amanda Glover

Lead Product Manager, ITV

Gary Butcher Headshot | 128:128

Gary Butcher

Chief Technology Officer

Leads engineering teams working on Domino's, NHS & more

Gianfranco Cuzziol, CRM and Personalisation Lead, Natura & Co | Headshot

Gianfranco Cuzziol

CRM and Personalisation Lead, Natura & Co

Scott Fraser Headshot

Scott Fraser

Digital Product Director, Screwfix

Our panel will cover these themes

Why sign up?

From reviewing existing applications, to delivering better experiences for employees and customers, to selecting the right digital products for your business, the process is rife with pitfalls. Our panel of experts share their experiences of what to avoid and what good can look like.

Where: Apadmi's all-new event space in Manchester's Media City.

When: Thursday 24th November, arrival from 16:30, talks start at 17:00.

What to expect: Great expertise, chats, food and drinks

This event has now taken place. To read more about the insightful discussion by our panel, click the link below.

Event Registration Image Card | Tech Stack Event


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