Apadmi marks its tenth year with huge growth

by Garry Partington-CEO and Co-Founder|Mon Sep 16 2019


Last week, we celebrated a growth of over 30% in the last five months. Read on to find out from our CEO Garry Partington why we’re growing faster than ever and how we’re preparing to get even bigger.

2019 has been a big year for Apadmi. We’ve turned ten, we’ve won some really exciting new clients and we’ve added 36 brilliant people to our team. Here’s what our CEO Garry Partington, has to say:

“It’s hard to remember sometimes but Apadmi started out as just four friends – yet last month we passed the magic hundred people count. That’s a milestone we didn’t dream of in 2009. But in 2019, we’re already planning to continue this growth – we’re already up to one hundred and four!”

As we grow, so do the solutions we can offer our clients. Bigger, more complex, more challenging and more impactful. We’re continually bolstering each of our departments so we can do more to transform the organisations we work with.

Twenty-one of this year’s new hires have been software developers – we’re building an engineering powerhouse – but we’ve also added new designers, testers and digital specialists all across departments within Apadmi. 

This growth is just the start, by the end of September we’ll have welcomed a further 7 new starters, along with a further 20 vacancies which are currently open in a breadth of positions across the business. 

According to Garry, it’s new technology that drives the need to continually invest in our people:

“We learnt early on that you have to be prepared for anything in this industry, which is why, as well adding new faces, we’re also focusing on helping the whole team learn and grow. And, we’re changing the way we work – we’ve recently started to integrate even more agile processes into our internal teams and projects, as well as providing even more training to do that.”

Another new initiative to support our growth is our partnership with Northcoders. We’ve become their first Curriculum Partner for the northern coder bootcamp. With this relationship, we’ll encourage new talent into the digital industry through the support of our real-world curriculum integration.

All this growth has created a new problem though – space. As we add new clients and our recruitment drive continues, we’ve had to expand our offices.

So – lots of change, but one thing that we’re working hard to retain as we grow is our culture. Apadmi is built on strong, shared company values that reflect the generosity, curiosity and open-mindedness we think you need to have in a team of ambitious, passionate individuals who all work collaboratively. We recruit and grow with these values at the forefront of every decision.

And what’s the biggest driver of all this growth? Helping our clients grow. From day one, we’ve always focused on delivering success for our new and existing clients. We do everything possible to make their visions a reality. Simply, our client successes lead to our own.

To find out more about our current opportunities head to our careers page here.

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