Could Custom Product Pages be the key to increasing your app's download conversion rate?

One of Apple’s latest features that has had mobile marketers everywhere geeking out are Custom Product Pages. They’re an exciting way to increase visibility within the App Store, so if you’re not implementing them, you’re potentially missing out on increasing your app’s download conversion rate!

So, what are Custom Product Pages?

Custom Product Pages allow you to create up to 35 additional versions of your App Store product page, where you can highlight a particular feature or specific content angle. These pages are also perfect for showcasing any seasonal or cultural content that your app may contain. Each custom product page can include screenshots, promotional text and app preview videos, just make sure that they are different from your default product page. 

Although Custom Product Pages won’t appear when someone searches for your app, they may appear in the curated sections of the App Store such as the Today tab. You can also share each unique URL in your corresponding marketing efforts. 

The most exciting element of Custom Product Pages is that you can target different audience segments with personalised visual assets and copy, unlocking the potential to maximise your app downloads. They work really well in PPC campaigns as you can use the unique page URLs that would most appeal to each target audience your ads are reaching and so users will find your Custom Product Page assets and messaging more relevant than the default. As they allow you to create such a personalised funnel for specific audiences, not only will conversion rates improve, acquisition costs will also decrease. And who doesn’t love a decrease in acquisition costs?

How do I create a Custom Product Page?

Apple has provided a handy step-by-step guide to building the perfect custom product page; follow these steps to get yours up and running in no time! Here at Apadmi, we help our clients efficiently and quickly optimise their product pages and create custom product pages to maximise success, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to know more.

Musical app listings displayed on mobile phones

Image via Apple

How do I measure success?

Simply head to App Analytics in App Store Connect to get a deeper insight into how effective your Custom Product Pages have been.

Under the Acquisition tab, you’ll find all the information you need to measure the success of each Custom Product Page. From impressions to downloads, redownloads to conversion rates, you can dive into the results for each page and evaluate which are driving positive results. 

Diving into this data can give you invaluable insight into what features users may find more appealing when it comes to choosing whether or not to download an app. 

Our top tips for optimising your Custom Product Pages

  • Prioritise your most distinctive content. This will allow you to make the most of your content, driving the scale needed for your page.

  • Don’t forget to follow existing App Review guidelines. Metadata for your Custom Product Pages still needs to be reviewed under the same App Store guidelines so keep this in mind when creating your new pages. 

  • Get creative. This is your chance to play around with all the features your app has to offer so don’t be afraid to think outside the box with seasonal pages or eye-catching visuals. Just be mindful that everything user-facing is still in line with your brand to ensure consistency in tone and message.

Want to get the most out of your app? 

If you need support with Custom Product Pages, or any other App Store Optimisation, we at Apadmi are here to help. Speak to our team of product marketing experts about engaging more users and increasing revenue today. Get in touch.

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