2024 Financial services app report: Uncovering mobile user habits and attitudes

Learn how the finance app landscape is changing in our 2024 report with insights from the industry's leaders.

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About the report

The Apadmi Finance App Report 2024 explores user attitudes towards financial services apps. It reveals what drives their usage, where user frustrations lie, and the features customers want and need most.

The report provides insights into how these apps shape financial behaviours, and how they can inform and inspire organisations to create better mobile experiences to drive business growth.

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23% of users only somewhat trust their finance apps, indicating a need for better trust- building measures

Apadmi, Finance App Report 2024

Learn about the leading financial apps

Reasons to download the report

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    With the finance sector in a significant period of transformation, with apps at the forefront, find out how digital tools have transitioned from a helpful convenience to an essential part of personal finance management.

    Discover the attitudes towards financial services apps and what drives their usage, where frustrations lie and what features customers want and need the most.

    With 23% of users only somewhat trust their finance apps, discover why greater security is needed in financial services apps and why.

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