A great start to the year for the SailGP app

by Apadmi|Tue Feb 04 2020

Boats sailing

As SailGP heads towards the first race of its second season, we’ve had another great week showcasing the SailGP app we built together.

Tuesday saw our CCO Matt Hunt and our CSO Marcus Hadfield present the full mobile fan experience to a room of European football’s digital leaders.

They demonstrated how the multiple layers of fan engagement and data streaming within the SailGP app can appeal to every audience, to create even more excitement during – and after – races.

Sail GP Presentation

Many thanks to the Amazon and Deloitte teams for inviting us. The recent Football Money League highlighted that digital will deliver the next phase of commercial growth to the big clubs, so it was brilliant to be able to show that SailGP are already ahead of the game.

And yesterday, our joint innovation was rewarded by picking up the Innovation Award at the Prolific North Tech Awards 2020.

Because the digital world moves so quickly, we continually challenge ourselves to learn more and create even better experiences. It’s great to win an award that recognises all that effort. Massive congrats to all the team – Apadmi and SailGP – for their strong collaboration on this.

Now – back to work. The Sydney race is two weeks away!

Sail GP Award

Exciting changes for Season 2 include the introduction of two new teams: the Spain SailGP Team, and the Denmark SAILGP Team, presented by Rockwool. Plus, Ben Ainslie – the most successful Olympic sailor of all time – will be joining the Great Britain SailGP Team presented by INEOS. Check out all the details here.

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