The great resignation stops here

A rising demand for technology expertise combined with an alarming increase in departing talent has left many businesses with a clear and present danger. And it has to stop.

Much has been written about why 2021 was the year of the great resignation, (lockdown, a reassessment of work and home priorities, accelerated technology needs, cash-rich start-ups), but focusing on why is less helpful than looking at what’s to be done?

Where are we?

The big number which hit headlines last year was from the US, where 4.5 million leavers headed for pastures new in November. The problem is global and it’s affecting most industries. However, as a digital product business, the smaller yet more worrying number is from Tech UK which estimates there are 100,000 unfilled tech roles across the country every month, which is costing the UK economy £6.4 billion annually. People resigning is disruptive enough, but it’s being exacerbated by the struggle to find replacements and it’s affecting technology companies of all sizes, from tech giants to smaller suppliers.

If 2021 was the year of the great resignation, can 2022 be turned into the year of the great reflection?

A chance to reflect

With tech talent in short supply and people rightly demanding more from their employers, it’s never been more important to reflect on how employees can be better nurtured and supported.

While some have laid the blame for large-scale resignations at technology’s door (frustrations with infrastructure, lack of momentum around transformation, outdated tools, poor management of stakeholders) the good news is that technology can also be used to fix it.

Tech tools

Whether it’s improving connections (Donut and Tandem), encouraging collaboration (Miro and Lucidspark)or being open and transparent about feedback (OfficeVibe and Culture Amp), the number of tools and platforms available to make employee’s lives easier is a quick win. Getting colleagues using digital products can also help with stakeholder buy-in when it comes to developing your own products.

Nurturing in-house talent

Continuous learning ensures not only access to the right knowledge and skillsets, but it also helps people to maintain progression. Learning can come from external sources (all Apadmi employees have their own Udemy account), from colleagues or by sharing knowledge through embedded roles with partners and clients.

Flexibility rules

Despite concerns from some quarters about long term remote-working, it’s become essential and good talent expects to be empowered and enabled to work when and where works best for them. At Apadmi we offer everyone the choice of working from anywhere and core hours to create a working routine to suit.

Doing great work

Ultimately, if the work isn’t interesting, retention will always be a challenge. Delivering a range of projects for a diverse client base is key to holding on to great people. Whether it’s delivering digital products to help client’s businesses be better, or using digital products to create happier employees in order to deliver great work, it all stems from finding, nurturing and retaining brilliant technology teams. And that’s what delivers real value.

The time is now

With all businesses going through accelerated digital change, the world has never needed more technology expertise. That’s compounded by talent being in short supply and currently moving around. Now is the time for putting in place the right platforms, plans and partnerships to ensure the effects of the great resignation don’t continue to be felt.

Fancy seeing what Apadmi has to offer? Check out our job openings here

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