10 questions for our Account Director, Mischa Gatti

Mischa’s accustomed to answering our clients' queries and questions, now it’s our turn to utilise his knowledge.

You’ve been at Apadmi for five months, how are you finding it?

Great! I’m based in London so the idea of starting somewhere new remotely, where the office wasn’t just a couple of tube stops away, was a bit daunting. Thankfully, everyone here is completely charming and made a real effort to make me feel welcome and break down that distance. 

The past months have flown by; getting to know our clients and building relationships outside of the laptop screen is a very welcome step forward, and it’s been lovely to spend time with colleagues at various events and celebrate the work we’re doing. 

Is working with every client a different experience entirely?

Many clients share the same goals at the end of the day; they want to attract new customers, hold onto the one’s they’ve already got, reduce costs, increase profitability and manage exposure to risk.

Regardless of the industry, it is about understanding these needs and targets and creating a strategy that suits the client. There’s such a variety of clients in different stages reaching different milestones, no two clients necessarily look the same and no two days look the same either. 

Does that make it more exciting? 

It's a true privilege to work with some really interesting household brands. We work with industry leaders ranging from Domino’s and Co-op, to trailblazing startups such as My First Five Years, who are all celebrating great achievements off the back of their digital products. 

Working across a number of different industries and having clients from different walks of life is also refreshing because if you have a specific interest or strength in one area, then that's something that you get the opportunity to utilise. 

You’re based remotely, how do you make sure you connect with your nationwide clients? 

We have clients from all over the UK so we aren’t always connecting in-person. However, most of our clients are really excited about getting back in the room and meeting in person. So whilst we stay connected online, our clients have an appetite to be face to face, visiting offices, running workshops and working in person again. Whether that be over a beer or a coffee… 

And how do you connect as a team in a hybrid working environment, is this also a challenge?

The challenge is that you don't have the serendipitous moments that you have when working in person. If you're new and still learning, you absorb a lot by just hearing people around you that you don't get remotely, but Apadmi is doing a lot to mitigate this. 

It can also be difficult to cement working relationships with people you don’t see all the time. So, overcoming that means actively organising more social events, which are fun and don't necessarily have a work focus. Apadmi manages to balance this really nicely without it feeling forced. 

You’ve worked across branding, strategy, advertising and marketing but never in the digital product space, how do we fair? 

What I’m loving is that you can put all of that experience you've got at other agencies to use here. It’s great to understand the needs of big customers when it comes to mobile challenges and delivering mobile solutions for them. These skills add a vital feather to your agency bow.

Is there one particular project that Apadmi is working on that really interests you? 

Although all projects can be seen as exciting, greenfield projects do catch my eye. When it comes to a brand new solution, there's a sense of discovery within the journey we take with the client. It’s creatively building the foundations of something brand new and launching it into its market. For example at the moment, we’re working with a really exciting brand that is looking to simplify and optimise the way businesses manage international payments.

Apart from great clients and great projects, what's another benefit to working at Apadmi?

The flexibility of working remotely is also great; we are even able to work abroad for up to 89 days per year. This means if you want to go travelling somewhere or you want to have a prolonged visit with a friend or a family member then you can take your work with you. It’s amazing that you can do that.

What does the future look like for Apadmi? 

We have aspirations for growth and we’re always building on our success. We are taking Apadmi international; we've gone from a Manchester-based organisation, to a UK-based organisation, to an international-based organisation. That means inherently that as we're growing our customer base, we are growing our teams in order to service those new customers.

Anything else you would want to mention?

Yes, we’re hiring! If you want to find out more about joining the Apadmi adventure, get in touch or check out our current job openings here.

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