How to finesse your app optimisation strategy

Learn how to enhance conversion rate and drive downloads with Apadmi's product marketing team

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Advance your app with Apadmi

About the webinar

We’re all aware of the market-leading apps out there, most of which enhance our lives, making daily tasks and data management much easier. But with more competition than ever, how do businesses get their app to stand out from the crowd, driving downloads and user retention?

Here at Apadmi, we understand each stage of the app ecosystem - from development through to launch - and have a team of experts who optimise our client’s apps to improve visibility and conversion rate, generating more downloads and lowering cost per acquisition.

This webinar will provide you with first-hand tips and tricks to ensure your app stands the best chance of success, with maximum downloads and enhanced revenue. Expect to hear from Apadmi’s Chief Strategy Officer, Marcus Hadfield and our dedicated product marketing team, along with case studies from the Co-op and Domino’s Pizza, as they reflect on their approach to app optimisation.

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Meet the Panel

Our panel of industry experts, tech leaders and industry experts will discuss their experience making digital change a success.

Our panel will cover these themes

  • With 65% of App Store downloads coming from organic search; our panelists will show you how to implement a keyword optimisation strategy for your app to capitalise on high organic search rates

  • Hear from the team behind the Co-op's dedicated app optimisation strategy and insight into the first ever retail category in-app app store event, which drove a 66% rise in app downloads.

  • Get to grips with the value of community management, ratings and reviews as a monitoring tool to engage with your user base first-hand. With 77% of users reading at least one review before making a download decision, community management can help you to implement feedback and fix problems quicker but also give your brand a human touch.

Advance your App | Co-op Image

Catch up with the webinar today

Fill in your details and in less than 1 hour you can get to grips with a 3-step organic app optimisation strategy with the experts behind the Co-op and Domino's Pizza's campaigns.

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